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The Book of Mical
(© Mike Berberich)

Page 2

“Yea though God allows his people to live and freely chose their destiny, the great beast is also given power to exert his will upon mankind.   These things I have revealed are not of God, but of the void.  Your revelation is to prepare man for the time to come and ready himself to fight the enemy and claim his own destiny.”  The messenger took his leave as he told me “think well on these things you have been shown, Mical.  I shall return in a fortnight and reveal more of the world to come.” As the Angel departed, light became night and then light yet again as if in testament of the passing of life unto death with the promise of life to come again.

Chapter 3

The visions of death haunted my dreams and consumed my waking thoughts.   My heart was heavy with the sadness of knowing what man should not know.  How could I rise each day when such horrors surely awaited in the times to come? I sought out guidance from the priests of the temple, but was turned away.   Those claiming visions or prophecy were condemned by the teachers as blasphemy to the Word.   My heart was heavy with the burden of what I had been shown and with the loneliness that those touched by the creator must feel.  No longer just a man, my life had now been given unto the message.

Chapter 4

The Dark Messenger. It came to pass that before the fortnight arrived when the Angel would return, I was held bound by a darker messenger.  Before me the day turned as cold as the darkest winter and my breath became as frozen mist.  Surely this must be death to feel the icy pain of the pit and have no power to rise against it.  The mist became an inky, formless shape that was a promise of the greater darkness to come.   This being was of the void and in all ways the counter to the angelic messenger.   The dark one consumed power instead of giving it forth.  To be in its presence was to feel the chill of your soul being caressed by evil.   “Vessel of the Word, heed my call.   You have been chosen by he who is, to warn mankind of my wraith to come.   Fear me not, for in spreading his word, man shall hide in fear of my coming.  It serves me well for man to fear death and cling to the ways of the world as I destroy the souls he does not protect.  Behold as I reveal more of the destruction I will loose upon your offspring.”

I saw the sun race across the sky and change its color from golden to crimson.   As the sun became as blood, I saw a great battlefield that stretched across the entire world.  Men of different nations waged war against each other with terrible weapons of destruction.  Fire rained down from the Heavens on all sides, rending flesh to gristle and burning all to ash.   Scores died with each blow and cities were ground into dust.   Nations fell and all the lands of the world became a charnel house of butchery and death.   Man was destroying what pestilence and famine had not.   Fully half of all mankind had been destroyed and no peace shall come upon them. 

And then the beast revealed his greatest perversion against the Creator and man.   Where God gave life, the void gives only death.   I saw the sky become black as the pit and the earth crack open in mighty chasms that swallowed all who had been doomed by their appearance.  At the dark angel’s command, the resurrection of the dead was begun.   This was not the resurrection of the Lord, but a perversion upon it by all that is evil.   The dead who were not consecrated in burial or given over to the funeral pyre rose up in mindless heed of the dark master’s call.    They had become an army of the dead sent from hell to destroy their living brethren.  I saw these creatures butcher all in their path and feel no pain from mans weapons of destruction.   In thrall to the Demon of the pit, the dead devoured the living and bathed in the blood of the innocent.   Those killed but not eaten soon rose up in death to join in the attack on humanity.  Death had become plague, spreading by its own hand.   The armies of the dead grew until the entire world was covered and the living were reduced to those few who hid in caves and high mountains.  The sons of man had become rats scurrying in the darkness in fear of their pitiably lives. “Now you have seen my power and the fate that awaits your kind.  What he has created, I shall destroy and the world will be swallowed into the darkness of the void.    Tell these things so that man will fear my coming and cower before me.”    When the dark one had gone, I fell to my knees in despair.   Our destruction was foretold by both Heaven and Hell, thus I was to be their messenger of doom.

[ Continue to page 3 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
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