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(© Lee Sinsky)

Page 2

"What-do-you-want?" Kay asked as straight forward and cold as she could still pointing the gun at him unwavering.

"Hay, I was walking around looking for stuff" he jabbed his thumb toward his backpack "And for someway that I can get to the Reading Base" he swallowed looking a bit less nervous.

Everyone else in the city and surrounding area had gone to the Reading Air Force Base for protection. She had stayed, no reason to leave a perfectly well stocked and protected place to go walking several miles with dead zombies at your heals, it was more or less suicide. For the life of her she could not figure out why he was still in the city. On good faith she slowly lowered her gun. Dave noticeably relaxed and put his hands at his sides.

"Look, uhh, I don’t have any place to stay and uhh, you well, look like you’re well protected…" He shrugged looking mildly embraced for having to ask her for help.

Kay holstered her gun and started to walk up the steps to the door of her apartment. She sighed knowing she was too nice for her own good.

"You should be fine hear a day or so, I have a CB radio you can contact the base with"

Still she was trying to sound cold and mean but a 5’2 petite good looking girl never seems very mean or menacing. Dave hopped up the steps and all but dove into the apartment. Methodically Kay locked the door behind her checking it twice. For the rest of the better part of the day she played with the CB radio trying to get the signal from the base. She regretted leaving having to take it off the "call me on channel three" setting because she knew when he could she would hear her husbands voice over the static. When he bought it she thought it was silly of him, it was a why would we ever need something like that, expense. Now they needed it and they could reach each other when they could.

They ate dinner together out of cold cans and bags, during which he told her about why he was still in the area. Everyone in his family had gone to the base, he was close to his grandmother, and she was bed ridden. The base refused the family to go back and get him and the grandmother. She died rose and that was that, now he said he was here.

"You did kill her right?" Kay asked raising an eyebrow still talking in her harsh tone.

Dave looked down at his can of food and did not say anything, he just looked very sad. Kay took it as a yes and decided it was best not to press matters. When they had finished eating they patrolled the windows for stragglers. When the sun set, she told him what little she knew of the zombies. They could not go up steps as far as she could tell and one shot to the head killed them. Neither of them knew why there were the risen dead walking around and did not talk about there theories either. Dead were walking around and that was that. Kay wanted to get some sleep early, since she did not get more than about an hour worth last night. Being in a generous mood she gave him the sofa to sleep on. Still fully clothed she stuffed her gun under her pillow as she did every night before and cuddled under her blanket on the floor.

"Wake up!" Kay jumped alert and ready for something to be wrong. Quickly she tried to brining herself out of her sleepy haze; she rolled for her gun under her pillow. Don’t, was all she heard, it was Dave’s voice. A bit puzzled and a bit pissed, she groggily turned her body to see the barrel of her husband’s revolver pointed at her face.

"Take off your cloths" Dan shrieked, he was slightly teetering from side to side. Kay guessed it was out of anxiousness.

"Gods damn it isn’t this a little cliché?" she vigorously rubbed her face with her hands. She was still flat on her back with the barrel of a gun pointed at her. Though she was not thinking very well on a very low amount of sleep, she tried to think how she got her self into the mess. Slowly she cursed herself for thinking she was safe with someone else in the apartment with the guns around.

"I said take off your cloths!" he yelled again sounding a bit more angered. He kicked her in the face. Kay was just as angry, at herself, more so at him.

"And if I don’t I suppose you will shoot me and screw me while my corps is still warm?" she hoped that would make him angry enough to fire the gun at her, she knew by the way he was holding it he did not know how to use a gun at all.

"Damn little pencil dick put that away before you hurt yourself" growled Kay steadily growing more agitated.

[ Continue to page 3 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
Rating:6.43 / 10
Rated By:242 users
Comments: 20 users
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