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Evelyn’s Revenge
(© Cameron Thornton)

Page 2

"You look great!" exclaimed Stephen. He patted the bed beside him. "Come to daddy." In truth, he was old enough to be her father at his forty-six years of age. She walked over to him and slid into bed.They started to kiss and things began to get interesting when Kelly stopped.

"What did you do with the body?" she asked nervously.

"It's still in the bathtub," said Stephen, anxious to back to their previous activity. "Why?"

"It's just that… I feel weird doing this with your dead wife, like, twenty feet away."

"It's okay, baby," said Stephen. "She's dead. Now, come on. Show daddy some tricks."

She smiled. Then she slid down and began to give him one of the most heavenly blowjobs he had ever received.

When they were done with this exciting lovemaking session, Kelly asked a question that Stephen had not yet thought about.

"What are you gonna do with the body, and what'll you tell anybody who comes looking for her?"

"I guess I'll just bury it in the back yard," said Stephen. "All of her family is dead, and the only person who would miss her would be that dike Cathy Swanson. Cathy was her only friend. But I can take care of her. I'll just tell her that Evelyn left me, and that I have no idea where she is but I wish she would come home so we could work things out. That oughtta do it. Now, do you want another go with daddy?"

Kelly smiled. "Sure. But first I want you to get that body out of here."

There was no way Stephen was going to tell the girl with the golden throat "no", so he agreed. "I put her in the back yard under a sheet for now. But first I want another drink. I'll bring one for you, too." He went to the kitchen to fix the drinks.

Back in the bathroom, Evelyn had been submerged for almost two hours. The necklace she always wore now floated in the water. Her great grandmother had given the necklace to her. This woman was from Haiti, and she had claimed to have a special kind of black power. She said she could bring the dead back to life. Evelyn had never known if she was really magical, but she loved the necklace. It had a lovely green gem at the end. This gem, floating among the pink bubbles, now began to glow with a bright green light.

Evelyn's eyes opened. She sat up in the tub. She slowly arose and stepped out of the water. Driven by a dark force, she staggered back to the bedroom, where Kelly had fallen asleep. She pulled the blanket off of the sleeping girl's naked body and ran her fingers over her. Kelly woke up, but she didn't open her eyes.

Yawning, she said, "Stop it, Stephen! That tickles. Did you bury the body?" She opened her eyes now, and froze in fear. She uttered a scream as the Evelyn-creature wrapped its dead hands around her throat. She struggled as Evelyn had done earlier, but it did no good. The world went gray, and then black, and then Kelly was no more. Stephen heard the scream and made his way cautiously to the bedroom. When he got there, he saw Evelyn standing over Kelly's dead body.

"Evelyn!" he cried. "I killed you! I fucking killed you!"

She started towards him. He scurried past her to the bedside table, where he kept a loaded gun. He shot her in the chest, in the stomach, in the head. But she kept coming for him. He dropped the gun and left the room.

He staggered to the bathroom where he shut and locked the door. He didn't hear anything for a few seconds, but then she began to bang on the door. Stephen began to sob. Gradually he began to slip into a deep sleep.

He had no idea how long he was asleep. When he woke up, sunlight was streaming through the bathroom window. He could no longer hear Evelyn pounding on the door. It then occurred to him that maybe he had drunk too much and dreamed the whole thing. He became increasingly more confident of this as he unlocked the bathroom door. He stepped out and five seconds later she was upon him.

He started to fight, but then he stopped. He knew it would be easier if he just let it happen. She had gotten a knife from the kitchen drawer. Now she was stabbing him, in his neck, in his back, in his crotch. Unconsciousness began to overtake him, and he fell to the floor. As he fell his hand found the necklace and ripped it off. Then Evelyn fell, too. The spell was broken, and she was a mere corpse once again. She landed on top of Stephen, and that was the closest they had been for a long time.

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
Rating:4.16 / 10
Rated By:218 users
Comments: 14 users
Total Hits:2387

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