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And Now...The News
(© Paul Arnold)

Page 2

“And do others in your field agree with you? With your views and methods?”

“The entire CDC stands behind these comments. It’s difficult to work with the specimens we receive, and since the Vermont CDC was moved to Huntsville last week, coming by viable specimens, which is something that is whole, undamaged, has become nearly impossible. The south has not experienced as many outbreaks, so we’re having trouble.”

“Thank you Dr. Foster, and coming right up after this commercial break, we’ll bring you a view from the other side of the fence. Those who believe that those who reanimate still have civil rights. And we’ll also show you a man with a radical idea. Dr. Millard Rouche. Coming up.”


“Elaine from Muskogee, you’re on.”

“Hello Larry. I just wanted to call in and say that I believe that we’re being duped into believing that North Korea did this.”

“You don’t believe that the virus originated there?”

“No Larry, I don’t. I think it’s just too convenient that we were looking at them after Iraq, then the disease started. It’s just too damn convenient.”

“Okay, now we have joining us Dr. Millard Rouche, director of the OEP. Hello Doctor.”


“Dr. Rouche, you’ve certainly caused some controversy with some of your, how shall we say, radical ideas with dealing with the dead. Do you feel that such measures are viable for most folks to consider?”

“Your viewers have to realize that these are not human beings any longer. They’re not mommy, daddy, or uncle Freddy, they’re deceased persons who have been reanimated. They will not respond to emotion or stimulus. They continue to function without limbs, without blood.”

“You’re serious about this.”

“Of course I’m serious. The CDC has been testing extensively, but we’ve come up damn near dry. We don’t yet know how these creatures can detect humans, we don’t know why they crave our flesh.”

“Since you would like to take more proactive steps in dealing with this, what are some of your ideas?”

“The martial law declaration is useless. Herding people into large groups with the infirm and elderly is like setting out a buffet table for these things. It won’t work.”

“No safety in numbers then?”

“To the contrary, say an elderly woman dies in the night. How many will she bite before she can be put down? How many will those infect before being put down? The numbers are staggering.” 

“What alternatives are there?”

“We really don’t have any at the moment. Evacuation of all major cities would be an excellent start.”

“Move the food away from them you mean.”

“Hah hah hah hah. Yes Larry, in a manner of speaking. We must take stronger steps against this foe. I would go so far as to say that we should pull out of Korea, we have a larger enemy at our doorstep.”

“Doorstep? I would say they’re already picking through the refrigerator. Coming up next segment, we’ll take a few calls here with Dr Rouche, stay tuned.”


>“My fellow Americans, it is my sad duty to report to you that we have been forced to use atomic weapons on our own soil. This morning, on my orders, and with full backing of Congress, nuclear weapons were used in isolated and evacuated parts of New York and Philadelphia. The weapons were effective in destroying the undead, but have also rendered Manhattan Island and Philadelphia uninhabitable for hundreds of years. This decision was a hard one to make, and I speak for us all when we ask God for forgiveness.”

From the Atlanta Observer, May 15th, 2003


As the first undead are reported in the southern states, many wonder where will the bomb be dropped next? CDC chairman Stephanie Moss declares a cure is “Just weeks away”

From the Los Angeles Times, June 3rd, 2003


With communication with much of the continental United States gone and undead reports spreading, OEP orders martial law for all states west of the Mississippi.

“…don’t forget to seek shelter. Bombing runs will commence from dawn to dusk and anyone on the streets of San Francisco will be treated as the undead. Already, NORAD reports corpse sightings in India and Russia. London is reported to have lost satellite contact with Spain, and Hawaii is now swelling with refugees. To repeat tonight’s bulletin for the OEP. The U.S. Airforce will commence bombing runs on the streets and buildings not bearing markings on the roofs. Spray paint is suggested, but even spelling it with clothes or bags is acceptable. When you hear the choppers, get up to the roof and you will be picked up. If you cannot get upstairs, don’t forget to seek shelter. Bombing runs will commence from dawn to dusk…”

[ Continue to page 3 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
Rating:7.29 / 10
Rated By:284 users
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