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Capital Punishment
(© Francis Allan Barangan)

Page 2

Thinking the woman is still alive; he cursed himself for being so stupid. He stormed down the stairs opened a hidden cabinet downstairs where he retrieved a Colt .45. Thinking this will finish the job once and for all; he grabbed a flashlight and went out the house to look for the woman.

The place is already very dark outside. He flicked his flashlight and pointed the light on the trees to see if she is hiding there. The house is built within a forest, which makes it easy for him to do his crimes here. No people to worry catching him here, he has killed over 12 women for the past six months, hiding their bodies under the floor of his house. All women have been listed as missing but with no witnesses to the crime, the police have no clue where to start.

He moved through the trees and bushes hoping to catch up with her. After a few kilometers from the house, he heard sounds, which made his hair stand up on its end. The sound appeared to be moans not of animals, but of people, and not just two or three but groups of people scattered all around the forest.

For the first time he felt afraid of the forest. Even though he holds a gun in his right hand, he felt vulnerable being the only living person in a dark forest, coupled with unearthly moans that seem getting nearer. He slowly backed away and resolved to go back to the safety of his home. If she is out there, she’s very weak, so she might not survive the night after all.

However when he turned around, the form of a decaying man greets him with open arms that he suddenly backed off in fear. The thing gurgled as if to say something to him then lurched slowly towards his direction. He pointed the gun to the thing to stop it from coming nearer.

“Back away fucker! Back away!” he screamed. But before he could squeeze the trigger, another one, a woman this time grabbed him from behind and took a bite out of his shoulder. He screamed in pain and struggled to get the woman off him. He elbowed the woman on the chest sending her head over heels to the ground. Then he pointed the gun at her but before he could squeeze the trigger, the man who he forgets is still lurching forward, grabbed his arm and took a big bite.

“Ahhhh!! Fuck!!” he screamed, then uses his elbow to knock the man down. He fired the gun one, two and three at the body to make sure it is dead. However it didn’t twitch and die in pain as he thought it would. It faces him with blank white eyes while chewing a piece of his flesh. Realizing this is no ordinary adversary; he struggled to return back to the house. But pain from his wounds are slowing him down, at the same time he is losing a lot of blood. The people he encountered took a lot of meat from his shoulder and left arm that he’s starting to feel nauseous from loss of blood. But he strove on. Determined to reach the safety of his home.

An arm shot up from the bushes, which tripped him that he fell down face first on the ground. Then he felt a striking pain on his right calf. Another decaying creature has its teeth sunk in his calf and is tearing his flesh apart. He screamed while trying to grab the gun, which fell on his side when he tripped. Grabbing the gun, he focused on pointing the gun on the head. He fired, and the creature fell flat on its back.

“What are you?!” he shouted in pain then he struggled to lift himself from the ground. The sounds of moans are closer than before. He grabbed his flashlight, which fell by his side and flicked it open. To his horror, he saw groups of zombies lurching slowly towards his direction. The sight is enough to get his adrenaline pumping that he limped his way as fast as he could, passing through rocks and small waterways. He encountered some of these monsters along the way, which he was able to neutralize by firing on their heads.

At long last, he was able to see the lights coming from the house. He gasped the sound of delight upon seeing the end of his goal. Upon entering the front door, he shut it locked. Then he limped towards the kitchen and locked the backdoor. Sure that the place is locked up, he permits himself a smile as he proceeded to his room to clean his wounds. But before he can do that, a figure lurches towards him in the shadows. He flicked the flashlight on its direction and saw the young woman who he raped and killed a moment ago standing there with her arms outstretched. He screamed in fear upon the sight of the woman, and then he pulled out his gun and fired at her.

[ Continue to page 3 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
Rating:5.76 / 10
Rated By:203 users
Comments: 8 users
Total Hits:3312

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