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Citizen's of the Abyss IV: Wild Talents
(© Dan D.Doty)

Page 2

The sound alone almost made Deacon throw up. He then pressed down on the clutch and put the car into park.

Rose was busy stripping the gunman of his clothes. He was a small guy, and Rose wanted to rid herself of the disgusting off white wedding dress that the clan-cult had forced her to wear.  

Simon came back with four rifles and a pistol; Two SKS, one Mini-14, a Savage bolt-action rifle in .223 and a .38 police special. Along with some ammo.

"Does the car still work?" Simon asked Deacon.

"It seems okay."

"Good, everybody get in."

Harry handed Simon four large magazines "The gun that wanker had , had its barrel bent almost all the way over, but I though you could use the ammunition he had."

"Sure can Harry, its 9mm. Thanks."

"I thought that was the engine" commented Deacon as Simon opened up the front hood of the car and place their new prizes inside. "The trunk is up front on this model, engine’s in the rear, just like on a bug."

Zombies began to pour over the guardrails from all sides, the noise of the battle had attracted them for miles around. "Lets get going," said Simon as he got into the backseat

"Our fans are here , and I ain’t in the mood for autographs."

Deacon looked at Rose, who was now wearing a faded flannel shirt and worn blue jeans. Both of which were a little big for her. She looked like a little girl that had gotten into her dad’s closet.

Deacon was about to say something smart when Rose spoke first "If you know what’s good for you, don’t say shit Deacon." He knew what was good, and kept his comments to himself.

As the VW Thing roared down the highway, the denizens of the dead began their feast.

Ripping clothes, biting into cooling flesh, lapping up spilled blood. In less then two hours, there was nothing but wreckage and bones. The zombies started to wander away, after there was nothing left to consume. Leaving behind them a scene of an unremembered conflict that looked like it happened a thousand years ago.

The VW Thing took the survivors out to northern Ohio, near the state line with Michigan.

There they encountered a problem that has haunted motorist since the invention of the combustion engine; they ran out of gas. One of the reasons the neo-nazis had been trying capture them was because they too, were almost out of fuel.

Rose steered the car as the others pushed it into a patch of woods next to a serve road, just off the main highway. “I swear, "said Deacon an apologetic tone "the gas gage read half full."

"Well it’s too late to worry about that now." Simon told him as he began to cut small limbs from the surrounding trees "We need to find some more gas or a functioning vehicle with gas still in it." Simon camouflaged the car as best he could before the group head back towards the road.

Harry was the first one to make it back to the highway, he pointed something out as the others approached " There's sign up ahead saying there are petrol stations at the next exit."

"Sounds like a good to start," commented Simon. "Okay people, keep on the look out for anything that doesn't have our best interest at heart."

The group made their way to next exit (a little over a mile away). Simon had them put a bit distance between each other as they walked. Simon had his AR-7 out, he told the other not to fire unless they had to. This little trip required more stealth then firepower. Even though thou Deacon and Rose were now armed with a Mini-14 and the Savage rifle.

A teenage boy dressed only in a dirty, torn jeans suddenly came tumbling down a little hill beside the highway, crashing into the guardrail; making a dull thump on impact.  The creature stood up and looked around. Its scalp had been nearly torn off and was lying over its right ear like a cheap hair piece . There was pitiful look on the zombie's face. Simon felt sorry for it. But not sorry enough not to put a bullet in its head.

The gas station was about a hundred feet off the highway exit; next to it was a little strip mall with a dollar store, bakery outlet, drug store and sporting goods shop.

What was really surprising was how clean the station and mall were. Expect for a couple bits of paper blowing across their lots, it looked like any business day for either place.

"Harry, you and Rose check out the mall. Deacon and I will go over to the station."

As they neared the station, Simon leaned over to Deacon " Don't make any sudden moves, we're being watched. Don't do anything until I tell you." Deacon scanned the station, as they got closer, hoping to catch a glimpse of the secret observer.

[ Continue to page 3 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
Rating:7.16 / 10
Rated By:147 users
Comments: 10 users
Total Hits:3217

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