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A Common Enemy
(© Ben McNeill)

Page 3

They knew they were here.

The remaining six friends sat gloomily around the loft. Simmons was lying on his bed staring into space. He just didn't seem to care anymore.

There was a loud crash from below. They had gotten in.

Hansi looked at the food supply. He knew they would have to venture outside sooner or later..........



'Relax', Spoke Murray, reading the fear on Halford's face. 'They'll be back.' Halford peered out of the open window. 'They're taking a long time.'

'Will you shut your godamn whining?' The oh-so familiar nordic cry of Simmons came from the back. 'Some of us are trying to get some sleep!'

'SLEEP! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE READY TO OPEN THE 'EFFIN HATCH WHEN THE OTHERS GET BACK!' Halford stormed up and down the large room. Murray interrupted his panicked parade. 'Geez I hate supply runs. Does no good to anyone'

'What the hell do you mean? Without them we would starve in here!'

'The first one to die wouldn't go hungry though'

'SHUT UP!!!!' Halford yelled at Simmons.

Hansi revved the engine as Cooper and Young piled into the back of the car, carrying sacks of supplies each. 'Geez man, you didnt keep the engine going?' Cooper screamed in Hansi's ear. He just ignored his former best friend, and sped off towards their own, personal 'rescue station'. Young huddled in the back of the car sucking his thumb, something he used to get scolded for doing as a child.

Murray climbed through the window, into the loft. 'THEY'RE HERE!' Simmons stayed in his bed. Murray frowned and opened the trapdoor in the corner, ready to drop down the ladder. There was a bang downstairs, and the three men came rushing in, then up the just dropped ladder. Hansi climbed up last, then helped Murray to lift up the ladder, lift up the hatch on the ceiling, then bolt the trapdoor. 'Here' Cooper tossed a small handgun to Murray. 'All the ammo in town has been cleared out. Its our last one, so only use it when necessary.' Murray stroked the cold metal, his eyes gleaming. He slid his finger across the trigger, then over the barrel. Something inside him clicked. He looked at the gun again, and smiled. Better than sex.

There was the sound of a motorcycles in the street.

Everyone in the bunker was silent. Hansi was about to take a look outside, when the roaring moan of the undead came within earshot. 'SHHH' Hansi urged, much louder than anyone was likely to speak. The unholy wails were too much for Halford. He let out a scream and crawled, face up over to Simmon's bed. 'Get the hell off!!' He cried, then whacked the intruder with his out of date magazine. This enraged Cooper. 'You idiot! now they all know we are here!'

If they didnt know before, then they did now, Thanks to Cooper. Suddenly, a knocking came from downstairs. Murray stood up. 'Everybody shut up. If they get too riled up, they might lead the bikers up here.' Simmons rolled off his bed and yelled at him 'Why the hell do we have to do anything you say?' Murray pointed the end of his gun into Simmon's forehead.

'Any more questions?'

The undead had increased in numbers below, attracted by the shouting. 'Sit back down before I blow your godamn head off' Murray threatened. Simmons slowly sat back down. 'Now, not a word from anyone.' Young jumped up from his bed 'WHAT THE HELL HAS HAPPENED TO YOU MAN? WHATS HAPPENED TO ALL OF US?'

His protest was cut off by a bullet to the brain. Everyone in the room except the culprit backed up to the wall.

Halford, paranoid though he was, now knew the fate of his former best friends.

Hansi collapsed at the corpse of his brother, and wept. His mind was blank, in the truest sense. There was not just the absence of thought, but the absence of feeling, mental, emotional and physical.

Simmons smirked at the corpse. That was one less body to feed and accomodate. He went back to his crossword.

Cooper couldn't believe his eyes. Murray, who seemed to be in a trance, holding his gun. 'Hey, I think that what you did was ....' Murray swung and knocked Cooper on the side of the face with the gun.

'Shut up you maggot' The only reason I'm keeping you alive is because I hate you only slightly less than the rest of these worthless scum. I actually favour those flesh eating pus bags out there over a godamn yellow worm like you.' Immediately Murray resumed his almost trance like state. Cooper was red in the face. That asshole. I'll show that dick.

[ Continue to page 4 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
Rating:5.15 / 10
Rated By:136 users
Comments: 4 users
Total Hits:1719

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