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Rotten Meat - The Return of Cold Flesh
(© Nick Thomson)

Page 3

Finally, the sign denoting "You are entering Safe Water City" came into view, the trucks roaring past it over the speed limit.

"Okay ladies," buzzed the radio once more. "This is it, two minutes till drop off. Stay in your companies, follow your orders and be careful. The city's in a bit of a state at the moment so say the cops in the thick of it. So watch your shit."

The radio buzzed out again, it was approaching ten in the morning, the beautiful and gloriously sunny morning. Shortly after entering the city, the convoy entered the centre of it all, the sight of rioting citizens suddenly a common sight, police running around in blind panic and finally the sight of the hospital, bursting at the seams with as far as the army knew for the time being, terrorists or cult members screaming the apocalypse.

They were right for one thing, the apocalypse was screaming loud and proud from every ajar window above the ground floor and the sight of tattered people glowered out onto the living in the streets.

"What the fuck is going on here?" asked Jones as he looked out the open back of the truck.

"God damn. This is serious shit man," gasped Castle as he readied his rifle in shock.

"Men, this could well be the end of the line," grumbled Havers as he charged out of his truck and confronted all his troops.

"Sir, what the hell is going on here?" asked Peppard.

"That's exactly it soldier."

It was hell on earth warmed up and pissed off as they saw it.

* * *

The police station wasn't much better than the hospital. As a makeshift hospital there were patients and surviving doctors running around like headless chickens as more cases flooded in through the doors, some already dead, next to the influx of a few new doctors from the next town over. It was sheer chaos and the remaining officers within the building were trying to keep order as well as work with the command centre over at Laurence and Bell Finances.

Suddenly, another case burst through the door, spitting blood onto the floor, gargling their own flesh as the wound in their throat dribbling blood onto his once white shirt.

"Help me!" gargled the man as he collapsed to his knees.

"Jesus! Get this man some help, now!" screamed McClane.

The nearest officers, Nance, Edwards and Jackson came running and were quick about taking hold of the new victim in their arms before carrying him into what was once their cafeteria and what was now an emergency hospital.

As they burst into the large room, the noise of screaming and dying men and women hit them, as did the smell of stale blood and coated most of the floor. The roar echoed around the tiled walls as yet another patient was brought in.

"Another one?" said the doctor on sight in disbelief.

"Afraid so doctor, this one's on his last legs," replied McClane.

"Set him down over there then," said the doctor as he pointed to an empty, yet blood soaked table. "I'll get to him in a minute."

The officers then escaped the horror of the room and walked back out into the reception area, retrieving their shotguns from the front desk, which was the centre of control for the Captain, Captain Cage.

"How's that one doing?" asked Cage.

"Not looking good Sir, he's coughing up his own insides in there!" replied McClane, a large lump of gagging forming in his throat that he was quick to subdue.

The noise was just as bad in the reception as it was in the makeshift emergency ward. There were wondering and helpless residents of the area who were perfectly fine, just shocked with it all having been thrown out of their residencies that were now chemically threatening as the raiding squads said. There were a few officers standing, exhausted and wavering, drinking cups of water to refresh themselves at least a little after a shift that was running for as long as it had to run. The holding cells were full to capacity with looters and petty criminals who had been arrested earlier on, but most were now being crammed together four or more to a tiny cell so that the now empty cells could act as barred coffins for the dead.

Suddenly, the doors to the makeshift emergency ward burst open and the doctor in charge came tumbling out.

"Hey, you guys!" he pointed to the group who had just brought in the new case. "That guy's dead, get him back in the cells now."

The men looked on in disbelief; people were dropping like flies before their eyes. This was like nothing they had seen before; it was pure and unrelenting madness. The officers followed their orders and once again entered the chaotic makeshift hospital. Proceeding over to the table they had just rested the man down on, they quickly picked him back up, a limb to each of the four men, and whisked him out of the cafeteria, back into the reception.

[ Continue to page 4 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Medium length story
Rating:6.69 / 10
Rated By:185 users
Comments: 6 users
Total Hits:2856

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