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Necropolis: Siege to the City of the Dead
(© Dwayne Glover)

Page 4

The Helicopters landed, unloaded their cargo and were quickly gone. The soldiers scrambled out, quickly taking up positions around the aircraft. Miles issued his action plan pointing to his map. "Point Yankee is here and this is our ambush site. The building's fires escape is how we are going to get to the top for extraction. Under any situation so don't fucking go in that building lets make this the fastest six hundred meters run in history." He gave the commence operation order. "OK two columns flank defense five meter spacing machine gunners to the flank positions I'll be on point no chatter lets keep this as quiet as possible lets move out." The unit moved in two lines to point Yankee; minutes of sheer terror and no dead could be seen at all Miles began to think maybe they were going to get ambushed. As with all of the large cities the sick sweet smell of decay hung heavy in the air. Millions of the dead inhabited the cities and as usual the smell would arrive long before the walking dead. At point Yankee they saw nothing but two burnt out cars, a few flesh stripped skeletons and the three buildings that made up the dead end block. Miles looked around and pointed to the two burnt out sedans. "These two cars first squad move them over forty meters from the building on the right, second squad set up the mine field third and forth squad move thirty meters down the street and set up some black powder charges lets make some noise so they come to us." Ten minutes into the mission everything was in place; the cars, the black powder charges and the staggered minefield. After setting off the black powder charges they began to hear what the world has come to dread. The mind numbing moans of the dead grew louder and they knew the stench was going to be unbearable. The soldiers began to yell to get the attention of the dead and bring them into their own deadly trap. As with any diversionary attack this one had the potential of becoming a suicide mission. Miles thought to himself that he would make sure this wouldn't happen, " Listen up! When they get to the first wave of mines you will hold fire eighty more meters they will get to the second wave eighty more to the third and fourth after the fourth wave goes it's a free fire zone kill anything that shambles and smells like shit! Also when the fourth wave goes the choppers are going to come in for some gun and rockets runs when the dead reach one hundred meters they'll stop then fire like crazy when the dead get within fifty hundred meters no one uses grenades we will continue to fire until they reach twenty meters the choppers will come in for dangers close rocket and gun runs so when we withdraw by fire you better move fast. Now gear up and get mean its time to put these fuckers back in the ground!" His orders were met with cheers, their fear had given way to adrenaline and rage.

10:10 Hours

The large number of aircraft of the rescue mission overflew point X-ray and awaited word from LT. Miles. The Lieutenant called in, "Sir commencing primary offensive. The dead number from one to two thousand so far." The sound of explosions could be heard in the background. "Moving directly into the..." The explosions continued as the deep concussions shook Miles. "...of mines we are commencing primary offensive good lu..." The transmission ended with the sound of numerous automatic weapons opening fire. The soldiers all began to feel the new fear of fighting with their backs to the wall but new they had to stay to carry out the other mission. Three large explosions slammed into the wall of ghouls, the concussion and shrapnel sent them into the opposite direction which happened to be another set of mines. Four more explosions sent the mass to the center of the street were they were met with the last seven mines of the first wave.

10:15 Hours

The rescue operation reached LZ Hope and began to circle. Captain Paxton radioed his craft, "The gunships are prepping the LZ once you go in land fast throw 'em in and get the hell out and above all shoot anything that gets back up." The two RAH-66 Comanche gunship helicopters began to open fire on the forty ghouls that lumbered around LZ Hope. Their twenty millimeter cannons began ripping the ghouls to pieces along with the street. Captain Paxton call sign Wolf Six began the evacuation, "This is wolf six in hot on LZ Hope no activity." He throttled up and nosed the aircraft forward gaining speed as he went. Quickly pulling back on the control stick he began to flare the aircraft as its rotor blades dug into the air creating more lift. The thumping sound of the rotors was loud and strong as the noise was an example of the machines power. His helicopter came to a quick landing were crew chief Sargent Antoski jumped from his position and ran to the shelter doors. With his M-60 machine gun in hand he hammered on the door. "Did somebody order a pizza!"A nervous voice answered, "What?" Angry that his joke didn't come across, "U.S. Army open the door!" The rescue was underway.

[ Continue to page 5 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
Rating:7 / 10
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