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Horrible Christmas
(© Enrique Perez)

Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant, Veracruz state, Mexico
Friday December 19, 1982

All was calm in the Veracruz countryside, it was 10 minutes to 11pm, you could hear parrots in the jungle. The huge Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plantloomed over the town. At 10:54pm, a huge, orange flash of light lit the night sky. A deafeaning explosion was heard. There had been a majormalfunction at Reactor Two of the Power Plant, and there had been a huge explosion. Toxic gas and Radiation leaked into the night sky...

It was an unusual sunny winter morning in San Francisco, California, when Anthony woke up at 8 am ready to go to school. Today was the last day of school, he was ready for 2 weeks of fun, Christmas was approaching and that meant presents! He turned on the TV set in his room and the news was on. The major news this morning, was that there was a major nuclear disaster down in Mexico. There had been a huge blast at a nuclear power plant in Eastern Mexico and that a vast quantity of radiation had gone into the atmosphere and was affecting Mexico City, and with the winds blowing to the north, the radiation would undoubtedly hit Texas, Lousiana and Mississippi.

Strange news were also filtering out of Mexico City and towns near the plant. Reports that people were attacking others, and biting them. Mexican news Televisa was reporting that these strange individuals appeared to walk around "hypnotized", biting people, attacking people walking down the street, and some eyewitnesses said that these individuals also "ate" parts of their victims. Nobody could explain this strange phenomena, but all the attacks were apparently "not related" to the accident at Laguna Verde. Children also had said that some of the people had "come out of the ground". The news of people coming out of the ground seemed prepostorous and was discarded as sensationalism. Police in Veracruz and Mexico City were flooded with calls throughout the night, of panicked residents reporting break ins, attacks, murders, by a group of individuals "who appeared to be drugged, foaming at the mouth, or in some sort of trance". Anthony, immediately thought that the attackers down in Mexico might be zombies. His favorite movie was Night of the Living Dead, and he had remembered that in that movie, the flesh eating dead were driven by radiation, so he thought that the nuclear accident was responsible for the attacks. "Holy crap! this is happening for real! the dead are walking, and its a matter of time before the radiation gets to the United States!!"

Anthony decided to skip school, and watch the news all day. He got paranoid, and got his dads shotgun from the closet, got a lot of ammo (just in case), a radio, a flashlight. He stayed glued to the TV set. By 1 pm, the attacks by the zombies had beaten the nuclear disaster as important news. The vicious attacks by the walking dead had spread to Monterrey and Guadalajara, Mexico. Reports from those cities said that there was chaos at Hospitals and Morgues. The news anchor said that police were reporting that the bodies of people who had recently died, between 12 midnight and 1 pm, were becoming re-animated, walking on their own, and attacking anyone in their way. Doctors said that some victims did indeed, show evidence of being devoured. Soldiers and police were patrolling the cities in Mexico, but the TV images showed many police officers being attacked, by crowds of these "living dead". Residents were advised to stay home and dont go out into the streets until the situation could be controlled.

Anthony did not stop watching TV, keeping himself informed. Officials of the Mexican Goverment said that these were flesh eating fiends, confirmed that they were "reanimated corpses, and should not be treated as family members or friends, but should be treated as menaces, and should be shot on sight". A shot to the head, seemed to bring them down, and stop their carnage. "Damn! Just like in Night of the Living Dead!". He could still not believe that the dead were returning, but he clutched the rifle close to him. He missed his parents, they had gone on a business trip to New York the day before, and since he was 18 now, they trusted him to stay home alone. He was exhausted from all the scary news, and he went to bed, around midnight. He took his shotgun with him, and a pistol he had found in his dad's work desk. His filled a plastic bag full of shotgun shells and bullets, he was prepared for any of those smelly, flesh eating bastards. He locked his door, and went to sleep.

The next morning, Saturday, he was left speechless in terror as he turned on the news. Every single news channel was covering the emergency. CNN, and others. The zombie attacks had now spread overnight to Galveston, Austin and Houston. The scenes from Houston were horrifying. The murderous waliking corpses were attacking churches, walking down, slowly, down the streets, people fleeing in panic, getting stuck in traffic, only to be trapped and attacked by the zombies. A similar scene in New Orleans, Louisiana. The Mardi-Gras party town resembled a war zone. Buildings on fire, power outages, heavily armed soldiers patrolling the streets, Army Tanks rolling down the French Quarter. "Jesus Christ, theyre gonna attack San Francisco too! its only a matter of time!!!" Anthony couldnt stop cussing, spitting out a whole sentence full of four letter words in terror. He was home alone, but holding his shotgun, and bag of bullets made him feel safe. "I wonder how may parents are doing" Tony wondered aloud. He called his friends, the brothers Steve and Moe. They were also home alone, their parents worked with Tony's, they had all gone to the convention. "If were gonna be attacked by these freakin zombies, might as well fight them together, after all, safety in numbers right?" Steve and Moe agreed. They got some weapons from their house and went to Tony's. They were now armed with bats, 2 rifles, 2 pistols, and a whole lot of ammo. They drove down to Safeway and bought a lot of canned food and went to the local Hardware store where they bought wood, to board the windows up with.

They boarded up the first floor windows up pretty strong. They put furniture and tables in front of the doors just in case the zombies broke in. That night, the trio ate and watched the breaking news. The strange zombie phenomena had spread to Atlanta, Philadelphia, New York, Boston,Washington DC and Charleston. Zombies were walking down deserted Times Square, attacking civilians in front of the Capitol in DC, scenes of horror in all the major cities. "Thank god, it sounds like its all east coast, thats being affected", said Steve calmly. They all felt a little more secure, but the security quickly melted, and dissapered when the news anchors said that people were now being attacked, in Pheonix, Las Vegas and Los Angeles. "DAMN! L.A is only 8 hours from us!!" yelled Moe in panic, "what the hell are we gonna do?!?!, DAMN SAN FRANCISCO IS NEXT!!" Anthony stood up, shotgun in hand and said "we have ammo, we have guns, we've been hunting before, we can get these bastards in the head, we have to be really careful, we can survive this!!, so dont worry you guys!". "Oh im not worrying, Tony" said Moe. He was the Rambo kind of guy. "Im ready to shoot some dead mothaf***ers!" shouted Moe. They all tried to sleep that night, but couldnt, knowing they were probably gonna be under dead attack by morning. They all slept hugging their rifles or guns like they were their girlfriends. They were startled awake by the branches of trees outside, or sirens in the distance, and by 4 am, the finally fell asleep.

They woke up at around 8:30 am to the sounds of banging. "Shit! damn zombies are here!!". In the panic, Anthony had forgetten that Saint Peters cemetary was only 5 blocks away, so no doubt some dead sons of bitches had reached the house. They grabbed their guns, and ran towards the door. It was boarded up pretty solid, so they ran upstairs to see out the window, who it was. They looked out and saw it was a rageddy looking man, looked like a hobo, only this was no ordinary hobo. This hobo had gaping holes in his chest, and blood running down his mouth and face. Anthony took aim at the dead hobo's head and pulled the trigger, shot him in the forehead and he fell back, dead again. They could hear sirens, and loudspeakers warning residents to stay indoors. Down the street, Moe spotted 2 more zombies, and he shot away, sending them back to hell. "Only three zombies right now, not that bad, but there will be more, so we have to prepare, we saw what happened in Mexico City, whole crowds of them, more than what you would find at a football stadium!" Anthony said. They turned on their TV set, but all they found was static, and Emergency Flashes on the screen, telling residents to report to nearby shelters and police stations. Evacuations were not mandatory, residents were mostly advised to stay inside and not go outside for any reason. " Screw the shelters! what if the freakin zombies overrun them, then what? we'll be dead meat!" Moe said, a bit angry, but with fear in his voice " Its better to stay here and fight them then be cornered at some damn shelter and be eaten up! Hell no, we're gonna stay here!". Steve and Anthony agreed.

A week had passed since all hell broke loose on planet Earth. They had managed to fend off the cannibalistic corpses, but all the major US cities had gone to hell. Los Angeles, was 70% overrun by zombies, Seattle had no power, no gas, no people, just the walking dead. New York City had lost 2 boroughs, Brooklyn was on fire, there was looting, there were zombies all over Manhattan. Chaos in Chicago, zombies seen on the Sears Tower. The emergency shelters were almost completely abandoned, most having been conquered by the zombies, and the refugees become zombies themselves. Washington DC was more protected, the National Guard, the Army, Marines and Navy SEALS were patrolling the streets, machine guns on one hand, flame throwers on the other. The President had declared a nationwide state of energency on December 25th, what a christmas present for the United States, being attacked by armies of the walking dead. By December 27th, the three friends' courage had dissipated. Just like in the old horror movies, earth was going to be takin over by the living dead, they spent hours crying, thinking of loved ones they lost, not having heard from their parents in New York, they probably had been killed by the zombies, and become zombies themselves. On the 29th, they could take it no more, Moe had been bitten the day before, by a zombie in a priest suit who had managed to break in through a window. Day by day, more of these dead bastards were showing up, and they could no longer take the stress. Their ammo was quickly running out, there was no communication, and they had heard unconfirmed reports that the President and his staff were all wiped out. " we have no other choice" said Steve. "see you on the other side, maybe there, we can reunite with our parents and friends". Moe was the first one to raise the gun to his head. BANG! Then Steve put the shotgun to his mouth. BLAM! Then Anthony, looking out the window, and seeing the Transamerica Tower in flames, fires buring throught the city, darkened skyscrapers , hordes of zombies wandering the street, and the beautiful, crystal clear San Francisco Bay, raised the pistol to his temple, and pulled the trigger.

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
Rating:6 / 10
Rated By:142 users
Comments: 3 users
Total Hits:1620

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