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A Bullet For The Dead
(© Harold E. Lawrence)

Page 1

Jon Feil was contacted by Ashley Campbell during his second year working at Serenity Falls Elementry. He was a fifth grade school teacher recently married and wanting to raise a family. His lovely wife, Barbara, worked behind the counter at the pharmacy on Heritage Road. Their combined income restricted them to find an apartment in the low-rent district of town. Money was tight and trying to raise a family, to have children, would only be possible if they moved in with Barbara's parents in Texas. Jon hated those people and for good reason. Barbara had gotten pregnant before they had left Texas but had yet to get married. Her mother had forced her to get an abortion without telling Jon a word of the matter. When he had finally found out the operation was done.

His baby was dead.

Two months later they had moved to Maine as man and wife. Now the only way he would agree to move in with those people is if he were shot and carried there in a casket. They didn't make enough money to pay for all the hospital bills a pregnancy required, unless they wanted debt to swallow them whole, but they made too much to get any financial help from the city, state, or government.

So Ashley Campbell gave them another way.

A way they could raise a family and find happiness. The kind of happiness that they had always been denied. Every couple of weeks a package would be dropped off at the Feil home. A few days later that same package would be picked up by someone anonymous. It was simple. An extra two thousand a month. Simple until Jon found out what was in the package. Simple until Jon got greedy.

"We just want to know why you did what you did." Kevin paced in front of Jon as he sat nervously on the purple sofa. He wore a dark overcoat that hung to the floor with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Whatever it is you think I did, I didn't."

"So, we're the assholes here. All I know is that when the package was dropped off there were six kilos but now there is only four point five. Now maybe I don't know my math but that motherfucker sounds short to me. What did you do, sell to your students or did you snort that shit up yourself?" Kevin dropped his arms to his sides when Flynn walked back into the room still holding his gloc 9mm. "Where the woman?"

Flynn unscrewed the silencer on the barrel of the gun before answering. "Taking a nap."

"Barbara!" Jon yelled knowing the truth.

"She ain't gonna hear you , Johnny. She's got a bullet in her ear." He smiled down at him as tears began to fill the husbands eyes.

Kevin looked over at Flynn tossing him the cell phone. "Call Campbell. See what the fuck we're suppose to do about this motherfucker."

He flipped open the cell phone dialing the number.

Jon wiped the tears under his eye-glasses trying not to expose his sorrow or the fear that sat like a lump in his stomach. He knew that accepting Campbell's offer would be a mistake. He knew that selling those drugs for his own profit would be a mistake. And while sitting on that sofa watching the two men in front of him he knew he would soon be dead burning in the inferno of Hell for his sins. His flesh would blister as the hot flames danced on his carcass with the fire cooking his muscle and fat. If Satan did exist then Jon believed he belonged at the other end of his pitchfork.

Kevin stepped over to the stereo sitting on the table in the corner of the room. He switched it on bringing "The Sound of Silence" to life by Simon and Garfunkle.

"You listen to this old shit?"

Jon was silent.

"I love it. Been listening to it ever since my daddy would play it on that antique turntable of his when I was still watching cartoons. Now I got me a collection of old shit. Old shit kids never even heard of before." He turned the knob raising the volume. "Hey, Johnny, you ever stick it to a virgin? No, I bet you never have, sloppy seconds is more your style. I remember this one virgin bitch, I tore her fucking up. By the time I was done with her she bled a fucking river. All over my god damn silk sheets. Now, that's a mess I could have gone without cleaning up. But, I'll tell you what, she was one hell of a fuck. Dumb as a rock, though. She loved to watch Steven Seagal movies and that right there shows you the lack of personality she had. I mean that motherfucker wouldn't know good action if it was spelled out for him. Chow Yun Fat, now that son of a bitch could kick his ass any day of the week. John Woo, there's a guy who knows action. And I'm not talking about his american shit, I'm talking about his Hong Kong movies. The Killer, Hard Boiled, A Better Tomorrow, now those are fucking movies. None of this Under Siege 2 bullshit."

[ Continue to page 2 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
Rating:6.26 / 10
Rated By:148 users
Comments: 6 users
Total Hits:1852

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