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I Hunger
(© Lee Fowkes)

Page 1

The hunger gripped me like a vice; it was always there. No matter what I ate, or the amount I ate the hunger was always there. It guided me, it led me. I was a slave to the hunger.

For weeks it had been like this. I do not know why or how it came to be. I have no memory of anything before a month ago. All I knew was the hunger. I had eaten two days ago, a large meal if I remember rightly and it made the hunger less intense, for a while anyway. There had been no food since.

I had walked for two days and yet I was not tired. I had seen many people just walking; stumbling around and they had ignored me. Like me they were all looking for food. I reached the bridge around sunset, and all I could see was devastation. Cars all along the bridge, some had been overturned, many had crashed into each other and exploded. There were bodies all along the bridge; it looked like they had been there for years. Decomposing. Many of them looked as if animals had been at them. Dried blood stained the bridge giving it some kind of eerie glow in the sunset.

Movement to the left of me. I stopped and turned that way, moving between the cars was a woman. The most beautiful I had ever seen. Her black hair flowed down her back and moved with the wind. Her white blouse had been ripped open and showed her perfect body, her stomach was flat and muscled and the white bra covered her breasts just enough to tease. She wore a black skirt that stopped just above her knees, loose enough to not restrict her movement but tight enough to show off the curves. She wore no shoes. Starting at the side of her neck and stopping just beneath the bra was a patch of dried blood, a large wound on her neck that had gone septic. Her eyes were the bluest I had ever seen, it reminded me of the sky. We just looked at each other and started to walk again, she walked just behind me, not one word was said between us, we just knew what each other was thinking. Food.

We walked for days and still there was no sign of food, by this time we had been joined by at least seventeen other people, they walked just behind the woman and me. Not one of us ever spoke.

For weeks this went on, we walked, not talking and no food. By know the hunger was intense but there was nothing I could do about it. We reached the outskirts of a city in the early hours of the morning, by this point there was almost sixty of us. Every one of them followed me. The women at my side like my queen. We walked as the sun came up; it was going to be a hot day. We made our way through the city, ignoring the destruction. Bodies lay decomposing in the streets, cars were overturned, barricades made hastily from cars and skips lay ruined, pushed aside.

I stopped and everyone stopped behind me. I sensed something, I turned towards a building and made my way towards it, staggering up the stairs and in through the broken doors. My army stumbled in behind me, they all instinctively started to spread out in the building and start searching. I made my way up the stairs, there was something in here, and I could feel it. The woman was with me. It took us nearly an hour to reach the top of the building. We left the stairwell and made our way down the corridor. I stopped outside of the last room in the hall, the only one with the door still intact. I just stood there in front of it for a second before I started banging on the door. The woman joined me and we pounded our fists against it. The noise attracted the others; they made their way to us and started to pound as well. Over the noise we were making I could hear panicked movement in the room behind the door, and a sound I had not heard in a long time, the sound of guns being loaded and cocked.

The door started to give way, the wood splintering and the panicked voices inside the room became clearer.

"Oh fuck man, how did they find us?"

"It doesn't matter how, we have no where to run, make your shots count, remember to aim for the head. We have the advantage; they can only come in one at a time, two at the most. Kill them all, pile the bodies up, that should stop the others!"

"Fuck, fuck, we're all going to die, I don't want to be one of them."


"Sir, yes sir"

With that the door buckled and I fell under the pushing force of the others. Then the explosions started. For, what seemed like hours that was all I could hear, the moaning of my army and the explosions and the thuds of bodies hitting the floor.

[ Continue to page 2 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
Rating:7.08 / 10
Rated By:212 users
Comments: 10 users
Total Hits:1817

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