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(© Doug F)

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This marks day three that I have been trapped inside my own home. Damn zombies are all over the f'en place. Luckily by some fluke the electricity is still on, even though the zombies overran the plant itself four days ago. Maybe things are getting better and we are gaining back control, or maybe the plant is running on auto? Who knows? At this point all I'm figuring out is where or more of "how" I'm going to get more food once the supply I have now runs out. I'm not stressing too much about it in the meantime, as there is enough food here and cutting down to one meal a day will definitely stretch it out a bit. The other is hoping things are going well at the water plant, as you can kick the bucket a lot faster without water then you can without food. I knew I should have gone food shopping last week before all this started to happen…damn, well how was anyone to know what was to come? It is not one of those things you wake up to in the morning and ever expect to occur: get up, eat breakfast, pick up clothes at the cleaners, get home, and be careful because the dead are shuffling around outside eating people. Sounds more like the plot to virtually ever zombie film ever made. Pure fantasy, not so anymore, can't be too sure of anything anymore.

Once the neighborhood went into lockdown and martial law was declared. I heavily barricaded up the bottom level windows and entrances to my house (I live in a two story home). So far everything is holding up quite well. I did not worry about the top level, as I have not seen any zombies smart enough to carry or use a ladder. The TV stations come and go. Sometimes they are on reporting, if any, progress against the living dead and other times the screen is filled with white noise. The radio stations are still functioning ok and they always seem to have the most up to date information. Taking full advantage of the ongoing electricity, I have been watching a ton of movies on my vcr to keep from getting extreme cases of "cabin fever". It helps me ignore the screams and gunfire that still goes on outside. People are still trying to go about their everyday lives as if nothing is wrong. Fools. For a short time I was with them trying to go about my daily life. I learned rather quick to stay indoors, then risk it out on the streets. Those are the ones that end up being food for the dead, or being mistakenly shot by the military. Speaking of the military, one of the benefits of living by Stewart airport base is the huge military presence, which is doing one hell of a job keeping things in somewhat of control. Naturally more the base than anything else, but they have been sending quite a number of patrols through the neighborhood taking out the dead and helping those still running around on the streets.

The Police dept was one of the first organizations to turn into it's own militia, looking out for itself rather than helping anybody else. Hell, anybody going within 100ft of the local Police station was fired upon. Can't say I blame them too much though. Everything happened so fast.

The phones were among the first to get knocked out. People are communicating via short-wave radio. When the phones went out that started the panic and reassured everyone that the situation was much worse then what was being reported on the radio and tv.

Night is approaching, that is the most dangerous time to be out in the open. It is bad enough that during the day they can easily sneak up on you, worse at night when you can't see the bastards till they're upon you, at least during the day you still can see how many are shuffling down the road. I still can hear them outside my front door, scraping against it trying to get in. I do have myself armed with a bat, some kitchen knives, etc. It's something, but not enough. I have seen those things get blown in two and still keep coming. The only sure way to get them is with a nice shot to the head, at least according to the news reports. If I was able to get a gun I would feel a bit more secure. I'm sure I could find one on the streets somewhere, discarded or still in the dead hands of it's previous owner. But again, I'm not risking anything until I 'am left with no other choice to do so.

I heard on the radio a few minutes ago, a nuke of some kind was just dropped on some poor state in the mid-west, guess they could not hold out any longer. Still glad I'm by Stewart airport base and not too far from West Point here on the East coast. I do not think they will be dropping any nukes in this area for quite a long time.

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
Rating:6.36 / 10
Rated By:150 users
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