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(© Michael W. Bailey)

Page 1

Dale awoke with his head pounding. The tiny crack beneath the door revealed light from the other side. The room around him however was completely dark. Sweat ran from his scalp hurrying quickly down his cheeks to the to the mattress below. The fever had broken in the night. Two days ago carrying only a can of soup and rifle Dale stumbled towards Government Compound SW-164. Having quickly eluded his zombie pursuers it was safe for the inhabitants of the compound to quickly lead him to safety behind the large steel fence. With little nourishment his body had no means of resistance to the virus that quickly made a home in Dale. Two days later he was feverish and delusional...but all that was past.

The door slowly creaked open again and a flashlight beam cut through the surrounding darkness. Dale shielded his sensitive eyes from the light and fought to turn away.

"Damn," a voice spoke further adding to Dale's headache, "He's up!"

The door was quickly shut and footsteps hurried up a hall away from the door. Dale tried moving from the mattress but found himself still without strength for even the most rudimentary of actions. The noises from the hall grew louder and the number of shadows beneath the door many. A loud knock broke the silence and again aggravated Dale's headache. Dale opened his mouth to speak but days without water had dried his throat causing him pain. A gargled sound was all he could produce in response to his visitors. The door was opened again and this time a bright light was turned on bathing the room. Dale moaned louder and winced his eyes in pain.

"It's okay buddy," a man said moving cautiously towards the mattress. In his hand he held a glass of water. "I have some water here chief and I know your throat must be drier than hell…"

Dale silently agreed.

"Now don't swing your arms or nothing or else you'll knock it over."

Raising his hands in the air to receive the glass Dale's eyes began to adjust to the light and he could now see his benefactors. There were two each dressed in military fatigues. The older of the men held the glass before Dale and nodded his balding head. The younger stayed near the door with his rifle at port arms anticipating any sudden movement. Dale gulped the water down and moisture quickly returned to his throat. He coughed slightly drawing laughter from the older man.

"Feeling better now?"

Dale nodded.

"You've been asleep since you got here, we all thought you were…"

"How long?" Dale asked still a little horse.

"About uh…" he looked to the younger man by the door," four days I think. We checked in on you every once and a while but Martin said it was best to stay away until the fever broke."

"What is today?"

This drew laughter from the two men. "Hell I don't know son, what does all that mean now anyway. Don't tell me you were still counting."

"I guess not."

"Why don't we just call it Tuesday if it will make you feel better."

He looked to his younger partner at the door, "Tuesday alright with you Al?"

"Naw," Al protested, "I got somewhere to be on that day. Make it Sunday."

They shared another laugh at Dale's expense.

"We're just playing with you son, I know you might still be weak and all. I'm Jesse, and that other fellow by the door is Al."

Al waved to Dale and lifted his eyebrows. Dale looked to the older man and handed him the empty glass.

"Dale" he said shaking Jesse's hand.

"Nice to meet you Dale. Welcome aboard."

Dale started to move again but was calmly restrained by Jesse. From the door Al tightened the grip on his rifle.

"Best not try to move just yet. You still feel a little warm." Dale was lowered back on the bed. "What we have to do now is try to get your strength back up, get some food in you. I'm gonna come back in a little while with something for you to eat, and we'll see how you feel then alright?"

Jesse moved off the mattress and started for the entrance, "Al here will keep you company." With that he disappeared into the hall leaving Al and his shifting eyebrows alone with Dale.

"So where you come from buddy?" Al asked still guarding the door.

"D.C. I was a bank manager."

Al began to laugh and shook his head. "How the hell did you manage to last so long?"

This was a question Dale asked himself many times since the first day. It seemed those like him, with little survival s

[ Continue to page 2 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
Rating:7.18 / 10
Rated By:211 users
Comments: 9 users
Total Hits:2046

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