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Resident Evil
(© Jeremy Milks)

Page 1


Barry Burton- Alpha team member, weapon specialist
Joseph Frost- Alpha team member, vehicle specialist
Chris Redfield- Alpha team member, marksman
Jill Valentine- Alpha team member, machine expert
Brad Vickers- Alpha team member, pilot
Albert Wesker- Alpha team member, mission leader
Richard Alken- Bravo team member, communications
Rebecca Chambers- Bravo team member, medical
Edward Dewey- Bravo team member, pilot
Enrico Marini- Bravo team member, mission leader
Forest Speyer- Bravo tram member, vehicle specialist
Kenneth. J. Sullivan- Bravo team member, field scout


Richard Alken stood on the bank of the lake staring out across the murky waters at the mass of pine trees beyond. The sun was slowly going down and prevented Richard from seeing into the forest; he just saw a few openings amongst the trees, which led into darkness.

Throwing his last pebble into the lakes surface, he turned to look over S. T. A. R. S. makeshift base below him in the field. Kenny and Rebecca were loading supplies into one of the helicopters sat down there and he spotted Forest lying under one of the hummers parked up.

He spotted a shape jogging up the path towards him, he recognised it as Enrico the team leader.

Sitting against a boulder next to him he waited for Enrico to reach him.

" Hey, Rich. Alpha team have called in, they gave us the go ahead to move out" Enrico stopped in front of him.

" Are they coming?" Richard asked.

" Nah, Wesker is caught up at the Station and he's not sure how long he will be" Enrico caught his breath.

Suddenly a long, low growl came from deep within the woods higher up the mountain, both turning they saw a group of birds take off from the treetops and fly off.

" What the hell is happening here?" Richard asked.

"I don’t know man, lets get the chopper prepped" Enrico turned back down the path and Richard followed as the sun disappeared behind the treetops.


Chris sat with his head against the smooth polished oak of the window frame; he had been sat like this for the last 2 hours, ever since the team had been called here to help the local police with questioning. He sat in one of the lobbies, it was packed with people like the rest of the station, and hundreds of people had flooded in reporting strange dog attacks, cannibalism and murders.

About ten civilians all-talking at once surrounded every police officer and the place was mayhem.

He sat up fully and massaged the back of his neck and once again looked at the horrible statue in the centre of the room.

"Here's your coffee!" A hand that thrust a plastic cup of sweet smelling decaf under his nose took his attention.

"Thanks" He took it. Jill sat down next to him and leaned forward resting her head in her hands.

"He still not out yet?" She asked.

"Nope, where's Frost?" He sipped the drink.

"Don’t know, he got talking to some flimsy back by the coffee machine" She sat up and brought her legs closer to her to stop the police officer charging past from falling flat on his face "Where's Barry?"



"One guess" Chris answered.

"Shooting range?" Jill guessed right.

"Hey!" A black police officer pushed his way though the crowd " You with stars?"

"Yeah" Chris stood up.

"We just got a call, a helicopter went down over the forest on the south side of the mountain, we aint got any patrols that far up so it must be one of yours" The officer started to move off "You better check it out" They heard him call as he vanished into the main hallway.

Ten minutes later the team had abandoned the police station and sped down the streets of Raccoon city to the forest on the outskirts.



Stumbling though the smoke coughing and panting Rebecca Chambers came crashing down on to the grass with the remaining team members.

"What the hell happened?" Richard pulled his berretta from the holster and got to his knees.

"Who the hell were whose people, where did they come from?" Forest leaned against a tree pointing his sniper rifle towards the wreckage.

"They are right behind us!" Rebecca was on her knees and staring out from the trees back to the crash site.

"Where are Kenny and Eddie?" Richard asked.

"I saw Ed trying to undo his strap when the chopper exploded" Rebecca said as tears welled up into her eyes.

"Those things are getting closer, lets move" Enrico said as he started off in the opposite direction of the crash site.

[ Continue to page 2 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
Rating:4.22 / 10
Rated By:174 users
Comments: 15 users
Total Hits:2049

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