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Now What
(© Andrew Aguilar)

Page 1

The day was already good and hot; quite a change from the 30-foot waves that rocked the private yacht last night.  Eddie lay awake in bed waiting for the fog of sleep to clear, he slowly stood and stretched, feeling the tension from last night’s battle with the water.  He turned and watched Samantha in her dead sleep.  He gently covered her naked body and gave her a light kiss.  “Morning Sam….” Eddie said while half yawning.  Sam didn’t hear him and just continued to sleep.  Eddie looked out at the horizon, nothing but flat water!  Well, better than waves he thought.  Sam had volunteered him to go on a world cruise without touching any land.  This was the maiden voyage of here father’s greatest invention, the Blue Dolphin.  A water powered 40ft yacht.  He slipped on a pair of shorts and went up to the bridge to check their position on the GPS; 50 miles off the coast of California.  He admitted to himself that he was impressed with the boat.  The boat has a water-powered turbine producing approximately 5,000 shaft horsepower. 

Sam’s father was so convinced that his invention would work that he sent his only daughter and her husband on this cruise.  Since it was just the two of them, they were overloaded with provisions.  This boat could normally hold 12 people in total comfort.  Hell, Sam’s father was so confident; he barely showed Eddie how the turbine worked.  Said if anything should go wrong, the boats normal motor had more than enough fuel to get them to the nearest port.  So they left New York went across the Atlantic through the Mediterranean, across the Indian and across the Pacific.  The end was finally in sight.  Two hours from now, they would pull into Long Beach and would have proven the water turbine works.  “How close are we?”  Eddie turned to see Sam standing in the doorway still rubbing her eyes from her sound slumber.  “Just under 50 miles from California.  You sleep good?”  “I think so, I feel all sore all over.”  Eddie smiled, “you should, we hit a hell of a storm last night.  30-ft waves pitched and rolled us, but she just mowed right through.  It lasted about two hours, you didn’t wake up once.”  Sam looked shocked, “Why didn’t you wake me?”  “No need to, it wasn’t bad enough that I couldn’t handle it.”  “Well then, the storm couldn’t have been that bad.”  She batted her eyes at him, “Are you kidding!  30-ft waves, pouring rain, come to think of it, it didn’t rain, just a lot of wind, and lightening, I think, I saw a lot of flashing, never saw any bolts, but the thunder was booming.”  He lightly kissed her on her forehead and headed back out onto the deck. 

The Sun was high overhead now; he could feel the heat reflect off of the water.  Eddie was satisfied that everything was running properly, Sam had gone back inside their cabin, he heard the shower start, ‘should I’ he thought, ‘sure why not’ he striped down ready to get in the shower with her.  He flipped on the XM radio hoping to find some good mood music, the normal station she listened to was off the air, nothing but static, he went to his station, although she wouldn’t want to fool around through rock music, again static.  “Piece of shit.”  He muttered and set it on scan.  She had just finished washing her hair when he stepped in with her, she smiled at him and gave him a long passionate kiss, as the shower door was closing she glanced at the digital clock on the dresser, 12:05.  “Oh shit, were late for our call in!”  She ran out of the shower and headed for the bridge.  “Blue Dolphin to base come in please.”  Static.  “Blue Dolphin to base, Daddy sorry were late, we over slept due to a thunder storm last night.”  Static.  “Is he pissed?”  Eddie asked from outside.  “They haven’t answered yet.  Blue Dolphin to base come in please.”  Static.  Eddie, they aren’t responding, I’m going to check in with the coast guard.” 

Sam went to change to the coast guard channel when she heard some muffled voices on the radio.  “Blue Dolphin to base respond please.”  Crackling, a low hum, whistling, breathing? A grunt? A moan? Silence.  Static.  “Blue Dolphin to base respond please.”  Static.  She checked their position, 42 miles from Long Beach.  There speed was 25 knots.  Sam put down the mic and walked out onto the deck,  “Did you get a hold of the coast guard?”  Eddie asked.  “No I didn’t try, I got a garbled message, were almost there anyway.”  She sat down on a deck chair to enjoy the hot Sun.  Eddie stared down at her naked body, she noticed him become aroused and reached up to him.  They began to fondle each other, in the background, Eddie could here a high-pitched tone from somewhere, he sat up listening, “What is that?”  Sam sat up, “What?”  “That tone, it’s coming from our cabin.”  Eddie stood up and headed for the cabin, Sam followed behind him laughing and pinching at his rear.  The tone was coming from the XM radio; Eddie had forgot he left it on.  “I forgot I turned this on.”  He said.  Sam flipped to her favorite station, static.  “What happened to my station?”  “I don’t know, mine wasn’t coming in either.”  Eddie replied.  Sam flipped around to the different stations; all of them had static, except the one with the hi-pitched tone.  “It sounds like that test that stations due every now and then.”  Eddie said.  “I’m going to try the coast guard.”  Said Sam.  She headed back out to the bridge. 

[ Continue to page 2 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
Rating:6.51 / 10
Rated By:240 users
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