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The Book of Mical
(© Mike Berberich)

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In the time following the rebirth of Israel many writings and discourses were discovered hidden in caves and lost mountain settlements deep in the Holy Land.  Some of these, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, are similar in content to known books of the Bible, while others are more abstract; reflecting mans role in the creation and destruction of the world.  Prophetic in nature, one of these texts, The Book of Mical recounts visions of the worlds fall and destruction not only from Angelic visitations but also from Demonic.  Little is known of Mical other than he descended from a family of seafarers and received these visions shortly before his death in 597 BC at the age of 52.  Though his death was officially reported to have been at the hand of bandits, it is interesting to note that it occurred on the journey home after he delivered his prophecies to the Temple in Bethsaida. Less poetic than the prose of John’s in Revelations, Mical’s work is more the message of a common man forced to see the unthinkable.  His writings have been translated and transcribed in the same form as books in the Bible.  The original scrolls now reside in the Jerusalem Museum o f Religious Artifacts and are not available for public viewing.

Chapter 1

Exhortation. Hear me descendants of the sons of man, the day of darkness waits impatiently to unleash its black minions upon the Earth.    The dweller of the void shall rain death and destruction upon man in its assault on the most high and all his creations.  The battle will be in the physical world, though the strength of the spirit shall your light and weapon against the darkness.  Man will fight the evil face to face and hand to hand. Therefore, put on the armor of God and gird yourself for battle lest you are consumed into the pit and erased forever from existence to the creator’s eyes.

Chapter 2

Visitation. In the summer of my fifty-first year, a messenger of the Lord came upon me with a terrible vision of mans destruction.  A great darkness enveloped me as all sound and substance was taken away; it was as if my existence had ceased to be.   A pinpoint of golden light appeared in the darkness and slowly grew before my eyes until it was as blinding as the sun and terrifying in its magnitude.  The light became sound and words that my mind saw just as my ears heard.  “Be not afraid Mical, for I am a messenger of the Word, who is come to reveal to your eyes and ears what awaits the sons of mankind.  Fear not the power of the Creator for you are his vessel to prepare your descendants for the dark days at the end of the world.  Rise up and be of good faith for now shall you be shown a vision of the world to come.”   Though afraid, I was compelled to see what terrible sights the Angel had come to give unto me.

I saw the sun and moon together in the noon day sky and thus was received the first portent.   The land of my people came under a great drought that lasted a generation.   Rivers and lakes became parched, cracked earth and the oceans receded far from their shores.  What once had been water was now desert.  The creatures of the water were given up to death and no longer food for men.  The creatures of the land were also given up to death without life giving water to sustain them.   Crops in the fields withered and famine scarred the land. The farmer and fisherman cried unto God to save their people and bring life back to the land.  As the stores of food began to run empty, the weak and infirm were the first to perish from the earth.  I saw many foreign lands had been cursed as my own.  People of all colors and strange languages fell prey to empty bellies and scourged lands.

I saw lightning fall from the sky and yet no thunder was heard.  The lightning was brighter than the sun but hurt not mine eyes to behold.  And then sickness and pestilence were unleashed on all people and no family was untouched by the death that could not be seen.   Some became as lepers and were horribly disfigured.  Some held the sickness within that makes the lungs like water.  Others carried marks on their bodies from plague as it consumed them with fire from within.   All the sickness of the world was visited upon man on that terrible day.   The funeral pyres burned high in each community and blackened the skies as the plagues were fought with purifying fire.  The stench of death was in all things and became a sickness all its own.  “Oh what horror awaits us.    How can God allow these evils to descend  upon his children?”

[ Continue to page 2 ]

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Type:Short story
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