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Boston in Ruins
(© John Richard Putignano Jr)

Page 1

Cites have fallen and dissolution can be tasted in the water. In most areas of the country electricity has ceased and heat is out of the question. This is a problem, for now there are millions in the northern United States suffering in this freezing winter. Food shortage was expected, but not this early on. How could one prepare for sure though. One couldn’t. Until last month the thought of the living dead seemed only to be in fiction stories or video games. As I sit in a one room apartment overlooking Boston, with a revolver in my hand, I begin to think back. I wondered how all this began, and then I began to understand how all of it could have been avoided. And as I sat there, freezing under my winter jacket, I remembered it all started with a sheep…

“Human cloning, as I say this word I hear two sorts of reactions.” This man was Dr. Michael Mandetti; he is the sole man responsible for this plague of the undead. He stands before a table of about three dozen business men and doctors. Dr. Mandetti is wearing large rimmed glasses and a white lab coat. He is probably about forty seven years old and a big money maker. He continues. “One half of the room chuckles and the other half usually gasp. Such a taboo. The mere thought of genetically creating a human being is blasphemy. Well let me make one thing clear ladies and gents. The future is among us. No longer is this a Sci-Fi dorks wet dream but a reality. Dr. Johnson, would you do the honors?”

A man, who was sitting on the left side of the table, stands up and walks into a door which is on the left side. Perhaps this is why he chose to sit on this side, or perhaps instinct told him to sit there. Regardless of the reason he sat there and now disappeared behind the large lab door. Moments latter he returned with a massive object hidden beneath a sheet. The wheels squeaked as if the scientist here were too occupied with creating rather than fixing what was already there.

“Behind this sheet is the future for our company. Imagine a soldier who is unstoppable, and even if he does die he is no more then a genetic creation without feelings or emotions. Born to follow orders these genetic solders will flood the battle field, and our men would no longer have to be sent out into war. They could stay at home with there families and these genetic creations, these perfect solders, can go out and win the war for us.” Now looking like a little child on Christmas, Dr. Mandetti quickly runs over to the giant concealed presentation and pulls back the sheet. “Welcome to our future.”

The entire room gasped. It was a full grown man naked in what looked like a test tube. He was floating in an amniotic fluid replica so not to damage his body. The only visible separation from him and the rest of our race was the fact that his complexion was a little paler, almost dead like. Thousands of wonders and possibilities fluttered the minds of the doctors and businessmen.

“His strength is three times ours; his ability to perform tasks is without distraction. He needs only a little bit of food and water each day. He needs not the emotional comfort we need and he is fully genetically programmed to die. They will be our solders, our police officers, our prison guards, and our body guards. They are incapable of creating new thoughts at all so they will not act out of place. What we have here my fellow man is the next step in technology. Sure right now it will be weird to have clones among us, but just think what is was like when the television was created, or better yet, think of the publics reaction to cloning a sheep. At first they were angry and ferocious but later they realized it was not a bad idea. People will learn to accept these people in there lives and I assure you nothing will go wrong.”

This is where it all began. Soon after that meeting these things were being created in bulk and shipped all over the United States. It was sickening. They all looked the same. Not one of them had a feature which separated them from the rest. Of course there were your usual, neo-hippie protests, but they were over once it became evident that these clones were here to stay.

How pathetic we were to just roll over and let the government fuck us left and right. Because of them we are currently where we are, but I am skipping ahead my friend. Friend? Who am I talking too? It is becoming apparent to me that I am slowly loosing my sanity so I must make this quick for I know now what I have to do to stop this plague. But first I must think back on how it all began. Ah, the Gold Project.

[ Continue to page 2 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
Rating:5.24 / 10
Rated By:280 users
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