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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: ZOMBIE MOVIE BUFF Date: Sat 18-Feb-2006, 15:12:19

Im a MAJOR ZOMIBE FREAk. i'VE SEEN every movies even vaguley related to the Living Dead I can get my hands on. I've been wanting to make a zombie film of my own. HOWEVER I am NOWHERE near talented enough to do it myself. I am looking for ANYONE who is interested in making a zombie film from the ground up. I want to collaborate and include other talend people in EVERY aspect of the film from its script writing to special effects. I am in Houston Texas. if anyone here is near me geographically that's cool. But I am more than happy to accept inout from anywhere be it via internet or whatever. I sincerely hope I get some positive responses to this.


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