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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Actually, GAR had already set a precedentDate: Sun 4-Sep-2005, 00:27:59

for children turning into Zombies; the little Cooper Girl in
the Original Night of the Living Dead. She had been bitten and
took the whole afternoon to die while the rest of the survivors
in the house were boarding up against zombies, listening to the radio and watching the Tele.

In the original Dawn, Roger was bitten on the leg and had a little
time to fight the zombe-DZeez as well as being given anti-biotics.
Ana's husband was bitten right in the juggler, that is why she couldn't stop the bleeding and his blood was pumping from his heart straight out his neck before going on to the brain. The infection from the bite (directly at the time of the bite) did reach the brain, the brain was starved for oxygen and he died pretty damn fast.
Very accurate according to medical journals.

** I give you this scenario: **

I speculate that Vivian, had gone home *(next door)* her parents had either gone out to eat or just put her to bed... NOTICE: she wasn't wearing her skates, safety gear or spandex shorts, but a small
nightgown... she had gone to bed. Mommy and Daddy came home after a night out and went to bed too. However, someone was in the front yard, he heard an intruder while they were just catching up with the breaking news on CNN, he runs to lock the doors; but too late, he is accosted by zombie, the Mom hears the struggle and runs to help, but she is soon overcome and becomes the second victim. The zombie is
consuming Vivian's mother by proxy of; she is the last one bitten and didn't get away.. the zombie is eating her... Vivian's Dad, though bitten and injured doesn't die instantly. Parental instinct
sends him to look after his daughter..........

Vivian's dad enters Vivian's bedroom, staggers to her bedside and
with intent on giving one, last, loving kiss, goodnight and goodbye..
dies... then he does give her that goodnight kiss... right on the lips.. only he is a zombie! Vivian, injured, in panic and fright.. runs to the only other place where she has a friend who is mature and a mother figure... Ana. Knowing where the spare key is hidden
(a contingency plan in case of an emergency) she enters the house,
but overcome by grief .. then shock.. but in temporary safety; Vivian slumps to the kitchen floor where ... she dies!

Next step *(another precedent set by GAR)* she rises as a zombie, and
as stated in the Origianl Dawn of the Dead.. they go to a place because it had a meaning to them... familiarity, only this time
she is hunting not for safety and security that her friendship and trust that Ana could bring her... but .. FOOD!

It just kind of seemed that way to me after watching it, like in a dream.....

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