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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: RE: Lets just hope he was drunk when he said that . . . Date: Mon 21-Nov-2005, 00:44:35

I didn't hear too much of a slur in his voice when he said that.(LOL)
However, I agree, I think George could probably create a believable atmosphere that could possibly work,but, I don't think I would want to see him visit that realm either.
To be honest, while I love horror films, gory films, etc. I AM an animal lover and simply do not want to see animals getting pulled apart and eaten, bitten or anything else on screen. Laugh if you want to, but it's true. The animal zombie subject has been ignored in his other films,and those films worked just fine, so I think he should continue in his tradition.
Like you and alot of people stated, if this subject were to be attempted to be brought to life, it would require more of that CGI junk. Another good reason to leave the subject alone.

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