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Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: RE: Went to Hollywood Video and rented gay pronDate: Mon 21-Nov-2005, 13:16:24

Welcome to the forums! And probably goodbye at the same time!

You might need an actual "real world" address if you want to write to GAR asking for a cash refund on an overnight rental of one of his movies, this will also involve taking the time to write an actual letter on paper with a real pen!

Though i imagine that your request for a refund should really be put in directly to the hollywood video store where you rented it from ... where the staff will most likely ONLY offer refunds on faulty discs and will then proceed to laugh you out of town if you want a refund on the basis that you thought the "move" was "awful" and turned it off after ten minutes.

PS : Are you the same guy as richkotite2005 from the dirty dancing and pretty woman fansite forums? If so, hi ... my screen name over there is Richard Queer

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