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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: How about this for runningDate: Wed 6-Jul-2005, 20:11:50

If zombies are super dumb and can't run. They shouldn't be able to walk even. They must retain some coordination, look at how the grab at people and bite. I agree that the fresher zombie should be able to run while the more decomposed would shamble along but what about this: the zombies that run a full speed should wipe out or run into walls or doors that are shut on them. In Dawn 04 the zombies slowed down while approaching the doors that the survivors closed on them. They should have ran head first into the door and hit it hard as hell. That would be more realistic and also funny. Maybe a zombie would bash it's head in and die (again). You could play bullfighter with zombies!

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