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Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: RE: On the whole, for me at least...Date: Sun 20-Nov-2005, 16:53:37

I dunno,

Some of the new zeds in LAND looked amazing, i mean REALLY amazing, more so the actual make up jobs than the animatronics, though i am not knocking the animatronics at all.

But i see exactly where you are coming from when you say that you favour the make up and SFX from DAY "as a whole".

I think for most of us big daddys make up job was a let down, which was such a damn shame as he was THE main feature corpse, yet also one of the worst make up jobs for a feature zombie character i have seen to date! I can honestly say, as i am sure most of us would, that BUB beats big daddy hands down most days of the month.

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