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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: RE: Worst gore scene in LOTD ?Date: Sun 20-Nov-2005, 18:39:44

I think my reasons for disliking these two moments was the fact that it was too comic book like and kinda detached from the horrific killings in Dawn

I guess you must have missed all the bright red comic book style blood throughout DAWN then? Not to mention the vastly inferior but much loved SFX in the movie as a whole?

That is one of your most annoying traits. You quoted part of a sentence and twisted it to make a point that wasn't there to be made in keeping with the sentece as a whole. Cheap my friend, cheap.

But i agree that it would take quite literally a small "horde" to pull a person apart limb from limb like that in DAY, rather than the old clownshoe and a couple of token goofballs that ripped mouse up, but i have a suspicion that scene was cut down in the edit, maybe a victim of the "rush" edit.

Judging by what you said in the second part of your response, you kinda got the point I was making with the sentence as a whole, in that it would take a horde... in keeping with previous installments... to rip a limb off and it was comic book like in the sense that one zombie could tear a leg off at the thigh.

I think my reasons for disliking these two moments was the fact that it was too comic book like and kinda detached from the horrific killings in Dawn and to a greater extent, Day, where it literally took a horde to pull parts off people.

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