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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: RE: running is a valid update...Date: Tue 5-Jul-2005, 16:39:58

If you can accept zombies evolving beyond just being "motorized instinct driven by an unearthly hunger to consume the flesh of the living" to being "compassionate gas station attendant corpses that can fire guns and blow up limousines", then surely a running zombie isn't that much of a stretch for your imagination.

I've always judged mobility by the freshness of the zombie. If a zombie was recently re-animated and only suffered a small bite on his arm, why not have him move faster than say, a corpse with half of his leg gnawed or rotted off? Not every zombie should be a runner, and not every zombie should be a walker, and not every zombie should be a Goddamn "evolver". My two cents, peeps. Sort your shit out and get back with me.

People act like Romero never had runners. That's just bullshit. The cemetary zombie in the original Night moved pretty fricking quick when he was chasing behind Barbara in Johnny's car, and so did those two little zombie kids at the airport hanger in Dawn. The whole runner vs. walker thing is stupid. Some of us just enjoy zombies, period, no matter how the hell they get around.

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