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Cold Flesh
(© Nick Thomson)

This contribution is part of a series:-
1. Cold Flesh (19-Jan-2002)
2. Rotten Meat - The Return of Cold Flesh (20-Jun-2002)
3. Dead Bodies: Cold Flesh 3 (21-Dec-2002)

Page 1

A cold breeze crept along the ground and flooded through the chilled air in Safe Water City. The night had come to life and the streets were crawling with people. The cops were out in force as it was at nights like these; full mooned nights that the crazies came out to play. And tonight was no different from all the others. It had just gone past midnight and a young woman walked alone down a dark street full of houses. The chilled air snapped at her naked ankles as her over-priced red, high heels clapped along the slippery concrete. Her low cut dress revealed her ample chest to the night air as she clutched at her body to try and stay warm. She was on her way to a party further down the street, the noise of which could be heard for a good 100 yards, and the noise was indeed great. Dogs barked and neighbours yelled as the noise of both the party and their dogs kept them all from their sleep. Tonight however was not an ordinary night. Not for the young woman who walked along the street alone in the dark. For her it was about to suddenly go bad.

From the shadows of the alley ways to her right jumped a dark-clothed figure. A tall man it seemed from his build. He grabbed hold of the young woman, placing his large hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming as he dragged her back into the darkness of the alley way with his free hand, clutched in which was a large kitchen knife. Already bloody from a previous attack. The woman's eyes were wide in fear as she struggled to scream or free herself, but there was no escape and no sooner had she been caught she was dead. The knife plunged into her exposed chest like a bolt of lightening from the heavens. As her eyes glazed over, the madman picked her up and dragged her warm corpse over to his rusted van that was nearby at the other end of the alleyway. He threw her into the back; her blood seeping onto the freezing metal floor of the vehicle as the madman drove from the scene.

The night was still young however, and this crazed psycho had his eyes set on another kill before his night was done. He had been killing for the past day non-stop, his marbles having finally all been lost. His van stunk of blood and death, but the first missing person's report hadn't even been filed in yet. He was still under the guise of the loner in the van. But he knew that soon the heat would be onto him, maybe not that night if he was careful, but soon he would be found. But this madman didn't care if he was found. He just wanted to kill and kill and kill.

Finally, as he drove his battered van around a corner onto a street filled with prostitutes and money-grabbing floozies, he saw his next target. A brown haired girl, no older than 17 by the looks of it. Slowly passing the row of semi-exposed women, who all flashed a little in his direction as he drove by, the madman turned his van into another dark alleyway and parked there. Stepping from his van and walking back into the view of the prostitutes, he approached the girl with brown hair he had just spotted.

"Wanna have a little fun?" she asked in a seductive tone.

The cloaked man did not reply.

"Well, do you wanna have a little fun or not? Have you got the money?" she asked again.

The man pulled a wedge of money from his pocket and showed it to her before he put it away again and grabbed her by the arm, dragging her away from her comrades in prostitution.

As they rounded the corner, disappearing into the street, the van came into sight again.

"So what do you want buddy? You wanna blow? You wanna fuck me? Where huh? In the ass? In the mouth?" she asked persistently as she was dragged further and further into the darkness, never again to see the neon lights of the street on which she worked.

"Well, what d'ya want buddy?" she asked again.

"Get in the van," replied the cloaked man as he pushed her forward.

"Alright buddy. Your call."

As she opened the back door to the van, which was facing away from prying eyes by being parked close to a wall surrounded by garbage bags, she saw the bloody figure of the first girl of the night. But before she could scream, the killer grabbed hold of her mouth and forced his knife into her back, slicing it further and further up until she collapsed in his vicious arms. As the blood began to gush out onto his black coat, he heard the yelping of a drunken couple staggering up the alleyway from the other entrance. In a fit of panic, he threw the prostitute's body into the garbage bags harshly so they collapsed on top of her, hiding her bloody corpse from the view of anyone.

[ Continue to page 2 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Medium length story
Rating:6.88 / 10
Rated By:214 users
Comments: 7 users
Total Hits:4004

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