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Rotten Meat - The Return of Cold Flesh
(© Nick Thomson)

This contribution is part of a series:-
1. Cold Flesh (19-Jan-2002)
2. Rotten Meat - The Return of Cold Flesh (20-Jun-2002)
3. Dead Bodies: Cold Flesh 3 (21-Dec-2002)

Page 1

Safe Water City, a week later, and the dead are beginning to take a strong hold. The City hospital has been over run and now stands as a terrorist-style stand off between the living outside and the dead inside. The police station, like the High School, is now a chaotic medical emergency makeshift hospital. Both buildings are bulging with the massive intake of injured residents of the city and the suburban outskirts, particularly that of Green Close. The city streets are a scene of chaos, a free-for-all without any control, no police, just savagery and looting gone mad. All this chaos, all this madness, everything is controlled from one building, the tallest skyscraper in all of Safe Water, the Laurence and Bell financial building. A week before everything was fine, now the entire expanse of Safe Water has descended into utter mayhem. The living fight the dead whom are growing stronger every day that passes by.

The Safe Water City hospital, probably one of the most important buildings and institutions required in a time of horror such as this. The dead had taken it over in a matter of hours, bursting from the morgue in the basement all the way through the building, devouring and infected countless numbers of innocent people who lay in beds, who were being operated on or who were there just doing their job. Police officers surrounded the grounds, the windows and doors on the ground floors sealed and barricaded off from the outside world in a vain attempt to contain the disease until the army could arrive to dispose of the problem. But it wasn't just the hospital that was giving rise to the undead; the high school's basement was slowly growing weaker under the pressure of the dead that moaned longingly throughout their holding space. Even the police station was now host to numerous counts of zombification, all cases locked away in the cells, in these times, criminals were let loose on the streets so that the dead could take their place. This is why the streets were being run ragged with violence and rioting and it was only six in the morning.

"How long do you think we can keep holding this?" asked one officer standing outside the hospital.

"As long as we have to, we can't afford the consequences if those things get out of there. We'd have a massacre on our hands. We gotta keep this place airtight until the army guys get here to wipe 'em out," replied another officer who stood by his squad car, munching on a donut from the refreshment truck a hundred yards away.

"What if they break out?"

"God forbid that happens, son, God forbid!" the senior officer on site replied as he sipped on his cooling coffee.

"But what if they do, Sir?"

"If they do, we gotta get them doors sealed again and take down every one of those sons a bitches before they get further than ten feet!"

"Roger that Sir," continued the donut-munching officer.

"How long you two been here anyway?" asked the senior officer in charge as he took another sip of his coffee.

"Since the beginning, we've been sleeping in our car for a week now in shifts."

"That so?"

"Yes Sir, since the start of it all," added the young rookie who stood amongst his superior donut eaters and coffee drinkers.

"Good work men, I'm glad there's guys like you on my force. Don't worry, those army guys will be here soon, then maybe you can go home," finished the senior officer before walking away, coffee in hand, handgun holstered by his side.

The dead were creeping around inside the hospital as if they owned the place, which for the time being, they certainly did. Their screams and moans echoed throughout the entire structure, their pungent scent filtering through the rooms, operating theatres all the way back to their alpha position, the morgue where, after being near ripped to shreds, the morgue assistant lay twitching on the floor. He had been reanimated, but his muscles were destroyed and his brain was smashed completely, he was like a vegetable, only just a zombified one.

The living were wiped out within the hospital in a matter of hours, the longest that someone lasted was for around a day by hiding in the elevator shafts. But eventually he had to brave an escape attempt. He never made it past the elevator doors. They had been waiting for him for hours on end. He was dead before he knew it and he was up and walking again in mere moments.

The police force had dwindled throughout the week. Raids on houses refusing to give up their dead, arrests of looters and criminals born in this madness alike were made, the crime rate having risen some five hundred percent in three days after the initial outbreak. To help them out, men were drafted in from all forces in the vicinity of Safe Water. Men and women alike flooded into the city and the majority of which still guarded the weakening points, such as the hospital, past the first week, but the numbers killed within a couple of days was ridiculous. In total, the equivalent of an entire station was wiped out. They needed the army fast.

[ Continue to page 2 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Medium length story
Rating:6.69 / 10
Rated By:185 users
Comments: 6 users
Total Hits:2856

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