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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: RE: well..................Date: Thu 7-Jul-2005, 09:18:56

I understand, but the whole point of the shamblers is the fact that you can believe you can get the drop on them, it's been said even in the movies, and like you said " we can just walk right by" that thinking and peoples stupidity is what has always lead to their downfall. I am NOT a Dawn 04 hater, I enjoyed the movie a lot actually and it was a tense movie, because those things ran, but it lost the creepy apsect for me and the whole humans thinking they can beat this, and thats what I originally love about the good old shamblers. I know this has already been argued to death, and it will be argued probably as long as the forum exists.Then I read an awesome graphic novel like The Walking Dead and it has the good old shamblers and it's done right and it reminds me why I love GAR movies so much and why they worked, it's about the people.

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