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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Dawn in theaters suckedDate: Tue 26-Jul-2005, 00:25:31

The unrated DVD version was actually a quality flick; but, again, the theatrical version BLEW. I just saw it on cable tonight, the edited-to-shit version and it STILL sucks. Land was MUCH better than that chopped to shit POS. The DVD version of Dawn, however, with the added scenes IS, in my opinion, a better-done movie for all the reason I listed.

The theatrical version WAS a waste of $17.00, though the first 30 minutes of the movie were enough to make this on a standing with Land.

I still say that the entire movie should have been the President's bodyguards mowing down zombies and reporters... Picture Black Hawk Down meets Land of the Dead.

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