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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Well you said DOTD04 suckedDate: Sun 24-Jul-2005, 17:49:23

In your own words

"Gonna make this short, so here goes...

I wasted $17.00 on seeing this movie. The acting was sub-par, the zombies were hilarious, and the mood was laughable. "Bruce Campbell" ruined the last half of the movie, while the rest of the cast ruined the first part. The first 30 minutes was good, but after that, it tanked. I've gone into this more in the General Discussion area, just wanted to tell those of you here who said it would suck, you were right."

What a difference 15 months makes---DOTD04 is now a reasomably well-made movie IYO with a plot that makes sense,etc.... or is it that LOTD just doesn't hold up to DOTD04? Do they both suck? They must IYO
LOTD sucks worse than DOTD04 sucks in your opinion, but they both suck, correct? Just one sucks worse than the other sucks,I guess, is that it?

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