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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: RE: yeah the pie fight i hated too Date: Tue 6-Dec-2005, 14:47:55

and so you know i dont hate Land of the dead its an ok film just not what i was hoping for

That's the problem, right there. You have to completely forget that you had been waiting on this film for 20+(or however long) years and watch it as a stand alone picture. By comparing it to what you thought the film should have been, you don't even give it a chance.

Now, Im not defending it because it's "a masterpiece" or some only saying that expectations for something like a film you've waited on for a long time can only let you down because you feel that it should be a masterpiece(especially if the trailer says so ). Nothing can ever live up to our expectations.....unless it was written and directed by each one of us, to appeal to each and every one of us.

No offense meant. Just my two cents...

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