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Fresh meat

Joined: 4-Jul-2016
Subject: RE: Ok so i finally saw Land of the dead and i have a questionDate: Wed 4-Jan-2006, 21:11:19

That scene, as with most scenes in Land, had little if anything to do with story telling, and everything to do with political commentary. That is why the movie was a dismal box office failure. Everytime George or one of the cast tried to explain the political situation of the movie, they turned it into an attack on conservatives and insulted 1/2 of the country, in other words, 100 million plus paying movie goers.

That was a major problem with many of the movies released in 2005. Aside from the fact that many of them simply sucked, the paying public still remembers the active role hollywood stars played in the 2004 campaign, where they would literally make blanket, derogatory statements about 1/2 of the country. And then they sit around and scratch their head and wonder why nobody is going to see their movies. Its really not that hard to figure out.

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